HACM is the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee.

We apologize for any delays some of you may be experiencing with scheduling inspections. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
Here are some general rules of thumb for inspections:
Approximately 120 days prior to your HACM tenant lease end date, you and your tenant should receive a notice telling you either when your inspection will be (approximately 90 days prior to lease end) or that your unit does not need to be inspected this year. If the lease ends in an odd month, (Jan, Mar, May, etc) the unit will have to be inspected before the lease is renewed in 2024.
Annual inspection dates are non-negotiable. An adult must be present to let our inspector in. If we cannot access the unit, the unit will fail inspection, and we will determine when the reinspection will take place.
You don’t have to wait for our call or a letter. By using the portal, you can check for any upcoming inspections!
Within 48 hours of receiving a Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) form from you or your prospective tenant, the owner/agent should expect a call from either a Leasing and Contract Specialist to discuss rent reasonableness, or from Jose Guzman to set up an inspection.
To set up a reinspection you must contact jose.guzman@hacm.org 414-286-5658.